What did we do before Kale? What vegetable did we Instagram?
Had a vegetable been featured on a sweatshirt before? (If it’s sported by Beyoncé
you know I’m gonna be interested). What’s the big deal with this cabbage
Okay so it’s pretty tasty. I like it with a medley of veg
and quinoa, because I love all the health food clichés. Or it’s good on toast
with a couple of poached eggs. I get it. It’s a good vegetable. But it’s got
nothing on spinach or asparagus. I now feel like I see it everywhere. You
suddenly aren’t healthy if you don’t eat kale. It’s the most stylish vegetable
of the moment.
So here’s the lowdown. It’s high in fibre and low in fat. It’s
packed with antioxidants so helps protect against cancer as well as being good
for our skin, amongst other things. Kale is full of different vitamins. K; for
bone health, furthered by all its calcium, and blood clotting, A; which is good
for our sight and skin, C; great for your metabolism and immune system. It’s a great detox food as on the whole it
aids so much of your body, including the liver.
So you could probably guess a lot of that just by noting it’s
colour but you can’t dispute the fact that it tastes good and it does good. I’m
a fan. I’m not beside myself in the supermarket aisle for it but I can get on
board with the fad. Let me know your thoughts and any good kale recipes below.
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